Are You Taking Bass Fishing Too Seriously?

With all the tension and stress in life the last thing you need is more stress when bass fishing.
If you’re fishing tournaments, going after that big hawg or just bass fishing with friends and
have competition between the few of you that fish together, then maybe it’s time for a break.
What kind of break you ask?  A break from bass fishing stress!  A laughter break!  Yes, they
say laughter is the best medicine and if you’re uptight every day you just might find out a truer
statement has never been spoken.
If you’re bass fishing is no longer relaxing and no fun anymore then back away for a little while
and get a cup of coffee and start reading.  What are you going to read, why fishing stories, bass
fishing jokes and how about a free bass fishing e-book that is hilarious?
Here is just an outtake of the e-book I’m talking about:
Have you ever tried to catch those little minnows that dart all over the place? It’s
not easy is it? I mean even with a casting net in a whole herd of them you still
don’t get very many for the effort. Well, you’re in luck I have made a plan that
makes it a lot easier.


Here is what you do….First, take your wife along for moral support. That is a
main step in this technique. Second, go to your local bait store and get a 10 foot
casting net.
Ok, now for the technique itself. Go out in your boat and find some minnows on
top swimming. You will know there are millions of them below the surface. Then
take your boat and start to go around in circles, this will gather them into a
smaller size gathering. Keep going around in circles for maybe a half hour letting
the group get into a smaller circle each revolution.
Now, once they are in a circle, give your wife the cast net. You take a quarter
stick of dynamite and light it but be sure to have your wife with the catch net and
ready beforehand. The next step in crucial in timing. The second the dynamite
is lit and thrown in the water have your wife spread out the cast net and jump in
the water with it and gather all the minnows she can immediately. This is very
important because if the minnows are shocked too much and go all the way to
the bottom, then you wife might not be able to hold her breath that long to go all
the way to the bottom where the minnows are located.

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Great Fishing Close to Home

non-mechanized fishing pole there was nothing to getting the bait just 6 feet out,
past the weed bed. The kids could easily put the bait in front of the fish. As for the
fish, they could easily pull under the tiny natural bait with the small hook and the
float, which was about 1/30th the size of the bobber. The sensitive rig picked up on
the fish sucking in the tiny bait immediately so the kids could react.

Sure, I had to stop fishing for a while, but I had a blast with this pack of 6 kids.  My
newly adopted friends were out-fishing the guys with spinning gear working around
the pond 40:1 !

The reason most kids don’t catch is those short little “kid’s” rods. Kids rods come
with the Mouse on the box, wrapped in plastic as one unit and are way too short.
The closed face reels are not bad, but the short rods require a giant 55-gallon drum
bobber which are often sold with these kits. Every angler in America should own and
use a cane pole to fish with! A pole with no reel!

On another day that summer, with nothing more than the cane pole, I won the 1st
day of the U.S. Open with a top weight of 19.75 lb. of blue gill caught in 4 hours.
The answer to this victory was the simplicity of my rig and the size of my line using
a tiny hook. By using this cane pole (really composed of graphite) I was able to  fish
quickly for blue gill that were in front of me. The conditions that day had them
feeding in past the first break of the shoreline and were only 8 inches of water. My
rig allowed me to get the bait out to the fish easily, accurately and quickly. Most of
the other anglers in the match were fishing much farther out. My neighbor had a 60
foot pole!!! He was 58 feet past the fish with his expensive gear and I crushed his
weight by 83% using little more than what Huck Finn used — a cane pole.  Some
competitors were even casting far out into the lake some 70 yards away. On this
day, AS MOST DAYS IN OUR LOCAL LAKES, the plentiful smaller fish caught in great
number, will offer you success as an angler.


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